Thursday, June 2, 2011

Please help! Does your child have celiac disease?

I hope to have more guest blogs from parents in the TEDDY study soon. TEDDY tests once a year for an antibody that can mean a child has celiac disease starting at age two. We’ve had a specific request for real experiences from parents whose children have been diagnosed with celiac disease. A parent of a newly diagnosed child with celiac is struggling and asked TEDDY for help. This parent and other parents of newly diagnosed celiac kids would greatly benefit from your experiences with starting a gluten free diet, what resources you use, how you stay gluten free, daycare/school, eating at restaurants, etc.

If you’re interested please contact me at, email your TEDDY site’s email or call your main TEDDY number. You can write/type out your experiences to a list of questions or we can do it in an interview format over the phone. We will use first names or first initials on the blog to protect your privacy.